Riparian landscape transformation in the Great Central Valley of California has been intense. Conversion of disturbed riparian landscapes to native vegetation and wetlands to provide multiple ecosystem services, including preservation and enhancement of plant and animal biodiversity, has increased opportunities for long-term carbon (C) sequestration and enhanced biovalues associated with wetland functions. The Kachituli Oxbow, part of a 250-acre mature oak woodland/native grassland and functioning wetland preserve in western Yolo County was the largest mitigation-related restoration project in the western US when it was permitted and built in the late 1980’s/early 1990’s. Formerly planted to tomatoes, hops, and walnuts, it is now a superb teaching laboratory and research site.
Kachituli is suitable for field studies of a mature self-sustaining de novo ecosystem, with opportunities for evaluating the multiple ecosystem services it now provides. Our recent studies include: