

Panel Workshop: Policy, Program and Political Challenges to Protecting and Restoring Riparian Habitat and Waterways

This panel workshop will discuss and explore recent/current developments in public policy and programs that facilitate smart and effective investments in riparian conservation and restoration as well as the policy, programmatic, political and legal challenges making this difficult. It’ll look at the interplay between groundwater and surface water management, regional assessments for riparian conservation, science vs.

Ecosystem Services Valuation

Valuing Riparian and Hydrological Ecosystem Services on Federal Lands in Southern California

Summary: This session will highlight a suite of examples from southern California describing riparian and hydrological ecosystem services and the economic valuation of these services.

Multiple Benefits

Making multiple benefits real: Opportunities and barriers to increasing the pace and scale of riparian restoration in California

Urban Watersheds

Session Title:  Restoring Riparian Landscapes in Urbanized Watersheds of Southern California

Moderator:  Wendy Katagi, CEP, Stillwater Sciences

How are watershed scientists and stewards working together to bring back our riparian habitat?  What’s going on with the LA River Restoration? Can native fish thrive in urban watersheds?  Come on out to hear amazing developments in these and other Southern California stories from watershed experts who are driving forces in restoring our riparian landscapes.

Groundwater 2

Workshop 2: Measure to Manage This session will be formatted as a round table to facilitate discussion on how we can better understand California’s GDEs within SGMA’s reach and beyond by repurposing and scaling-up data collected from ongoing monitoring efforts throughout the state.  Workshop attendees along with state agency and NGO representatives will explore the following questions: 1) what are the similarities and differences in the methods and metrics currently being monitored; 2) which methods and metrics are the most suitable for monitoring adverse impacts to GDEs; 3) what and whe

Groundwater 1

Workshop 1: Putting Policy into Practice Groundwater is an important water source for many riparian environments, but what does California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) mean for our rivers?  Panel speakers will introduce why SGMA is important and discuss tools that practitioners can use to identify and consider Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) under SGMA.  This session will also provide an overview of a statewide GDE map and guidance framework that have been developed to help local agencies identify metrics and select monitoring criteria that can provide dat