Position Title
- Point Blue
Brent Campos, M.S., Northern Sierra Program Leader, Sierra Nevada
I am an ecologist that leads applied research focusing on birds in upland and meadow habitats to assess the ecological effects and benefits of management and restoration in the Sierra Nevada and California Cascades, often in the context of climate change adaptation.
Born and raised in California, I received a B.S. in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology from the University of California, Davis, followed by an M.S. in Wildlife Natural Resrouces from Humboldt State University. My education was broad and cross-cutting in the realm of conservation science and ecology, but focused on aquatic ecology from the perspective of fish and upland habitat ecology from the perspective of birds. Fittingly, my expertise is where aquatic and upland habitats blend: riparian corridors and meadows.
Before arriving at Point Blue, I worked on research projects throughout the U.S. focusing on a broad range of topcs in avian ecology, including riparian conservation, forest management, endangered species conservation, energy development, avian demography, and migration ecology. Over the course of my education and my professional career, I have developed keen interests in bird and wildlife habitat associations; meadow, riparian, and forest management and restoration; climate-smart adpatation; ecosystem services; and population and migratory connectivity.
I split my time between an office in Woodland, our Petaluma headquarters, and, on the best days, the beautiful Sierra Nevada. When not working, I relish my roles as father and husband, cooking, gardening, and adventuring in the great outdoors.